(2361) Gogol

Template: Infobox Asteroid / Maintenance / Error 1

( 2361 ) Gogol is an asteroid of the outer main belt, which was discovered by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Chernykh on April 1, 1976 at the Crimean Observatory in Nautschnyj (IAU code 095). Unconfirmed sightings of the asteroid had it previously on November 27, 1929, the provisional designation 1929 WJ at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona, in October 1968 (1968 UB1 ) at the Crimean Observatory in Nautschnyj and on 2 March 1970 ( 1970 EK1) on Chilean Observatorio Cerro El Roble given.

The asteroid belongs to the Themis family, a group of asteroids, which was named after ( 24) Themis. After FORMING classification (Small Main -Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey) were assumed in ( 2361 ) Gogol of a dark surface with a spectroscopic investigation of Gianluca Masi, Sergio Foglia and Richard P. Binzel, it might be so, roughly speaking, to act a C- asteroids.

( 2361 ) Gogol was named on 28 March 1983 following the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol ( 1809-1852 ). 1985 also an impact crater has been named to the southern hemisphere of the planet Mercury to Nikolai Gogol: Gogol Mercury crater.
