24 (number)

The Twenty-four ( 24) is the natural number between 23 and 25 is straight.

The number is twice the Twelve, the base number of the duodecimal system, and in the mythological sense, a symbol of completeness. This fact provides the key to many uses of the number outside of mathematics, both in everyday life and in the (Christian) mythology.

Mathematically, the number as twelve, mainly due to its size compared to its many interesting divider:

  • A classic example is the division of the day into twenty-four hours that goes back to the Babylonians. These were divided day and night into twelve equal length of time units, giving a total of twenty four hours. The Vierundzwanziger - division is as angular measure in astronomical hour angle in use.
  • It occurs, for example, as a fourth member in consequence of the faculties, and is thereby the order of the rotation group S4 of the cube and the octahedron.
  • It is the four-dimensional Kiss number.

In Christian symbolism the double twelve appears for example in the distinction between old and new Testament; the former are represented by the twelve tribes of Israel and the latter by the apostles of Christ. Furthermore, the Tanakh is as sacred scripture of Judaism - depending on how you count - from twenty-four books. These three uses of the number are recorded yourself again and again, both in the Christian liturgy as well as in the Bible; also in the art of the Middle Ages and the early modern period can be many representations of the Twenty-four found and traced back to their Christian symbolism.

In Internet sites of the domain name is often complemented with the number 24 at the end to, as opposed to other sources of information or shops to suggest a 24 - hour availability. The pioneers were here the performances of Scout24 Holding, the numerous imitators caused. From 1999 to 2002 was called " German Bank 24 " private clients division of Deutsche Bank.

24 frames per seconds since the 1920s international standard in film recording and projection. Since 2012, frame rate format is also used a higher refresh rate with movies with movies in High.
