56 Leonard Street

56 Leonard Street is the name and address of a under construction skyscraper in Manhattan.

The building, which is expected to reach a height of 250 meters, will have 58 floors, where 145 apartments are to be accommodated. On the upper floors there will be ten penthouse apartments. After its completion, that would be 56 Leonard Street one of the tallest apartment buildings in the United States. Construction of the building began in early 2008, but has been adjusted due to financial problems in January 2009. Originally, the building should be completed in 2010, which, however, did not let through the suspension of the work implement. End of October 2012 the construction was resumed. The completion of the 145 apartments is designed for 2016.

The building has a striking exterior design, as individual floors are offset from one another built. From certain perspectives, the building of " stacked wooden blocks or boxes " acts. The facade will be completely covered in glass according to the plans, so that extensive outdoor view from the apartments inside is possible. The Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron designed the building.

In early January 2013, the project received a loan of 268 million euros in order to continue the construction can. The foundation work has been completed. The construction was completed in February 2013. In early April 2013, the building reached street level for the first time.

The tower in June 2013, already a few stories high

The building in late July, about 20 meters high

56 Leonard Street in mid October 2013

The construction site in mid February 2014
