Abbey of Santa María de Alaón

The Monastery of Santa María de Alaón (Catalan Santa Maria de Alao ) is an originally founded as a Cluniac Priory former Benedictine monastery in Sopeira in the Ribagorza, Province of Huesca in Aragon (Spain).


The supposedly going back to a Visigothic monastery was founded at the turn of newly established, the 11th and 12th century and built in the early 12th century in Lombard- Romanesque style. In the disentailment the Government Juan Álvarez Mendizábal the monastery was closed in 1836 and subsequently abandoned. In 1931 it was declared a National Monument ( Bien de Interès Cultural ). During the Spanish Civil War it came to the partial destruction by fire. As a result, the church was restored.

Buildings and plant

The church is built upon a basilica plan with three naves and semicircular apse with blind arcades. It has a four-story square bell tower. The main entrance wearing a monogram of Christ ( Chrismon ). The cloister has gone off down to the bases of some columns.
