Abu Lubaba ibn Abd al-Mundhir

Abu Lubaba, Arabic أبو لبابة بن عبد المنذر Abu Lubaba ibn Abd al- Mundhir, DMG Abū Lubaba b. ʿ Abd al - Mundhir, was Muhammad's time a member of the resident in Yathrib ( Medina ) Arab tribe of Amr ibn On, in the tribe of Banu from the composite.

His identity

He is said to have been a brief remark by Ibn 'Abd al -Barr Ibn Ishaq According to the second tribute of Aqaba one of the twelve Nuqaba ' (leader); there he is led by its full name: Rifa'a ibn ' Abd al - Mundhir.

Al- Baladhuri reported, however, in his genealogical work, that Abu Lubaba a son of Mundhir - not: - was been named Zaid, a slave of Banu Qurayza and ransomed by Muhammad 'Abd al - Mundhir. In other sources of Islamic history he bears the name Bashir / Buschair and Rifa'a or Mubaschschir. For 'Abd al - Mundhir said to have had three sons with these names. Buschair / Abu Lubaba took part in the battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud, the Battle of Sawiq and at the siege of Banu Qainuqa; According to some reports, he also fought at Badr. Buschair / Abu ibn al- Mundhir Lubaba had a daughter: Lubaba who was with Zaid, the brother of the later Caliph Umar ibn al - Khattab, married.

Abu Lubaba Banu Qurayza and the

Abu Lubaba repented already on the way back, that he betrayed the plan of Muhammad and therefore tied in a mosque in a column to stay as long as God has forgiven him. On the way to morning prayers he was then freed of Mohammed, what Abu Lubaba evaluated as forgiveness of God. This morning also Banu Qurayza that, which ended with the death of all the men and enslaving the women and children were. The theologian and jurist Ibn al - Jawzi († 1200) reported that ten other people who have been left behind from the expedition to Tabuk, would be tied to the column; Sura 9, verse 102 said to have been revealed about these people.

Abu Lubaba and the " Mosque of the chicane "

With the Amr Ibn ups and the Banu From Medina he will construct the mosque in Medina Muhammad's opposition, the so-called " Mosque of the chicane " - see Sura 9, verse 107 - have, through the provision of timber. After the destruction of worship, at the command of the Prophet Abu Lubaba erected near his own house and used the same wood material. However, hanging over the house a curse: it no child has been born, it is said by Ibn Hisham. According to some reports was Abu Lubaba - with controversial of his name (see above) - to the opposition of Muhammad, who built the expedition to Tabuk, on the border of the Byzantine Empire, have lagged and in Muhammad's absence, the " Mosque of the chicane ". The Maghazi -author of al - Waqidi, however, emphasizes that Abu Lubaba, in contrast to the other builders of the mosque, not to the so-called " hypocrites ", the opposition Muhammad belonged.
