Abyssal halosaur

Halosauropsis macrochir

Halosauropsis macrochir is a deep sea fish of the family of Echsenaale ( Halosauridae ). It is widely distributed between 50 ° north and 47 ° south latitude in the Atlantic, Pacific and the western Indian Ocean at depths of 1100-3300 meters.


Halosauropsis macrochir is 90 cm long. The species has a long eel-like, laterally flattened body but. The tail is slender and running out pointed. A tail fin is missing. The dorsal fin is short and is supported 11 to 13 fin rays. The eye is of medium size, the mouth small and inferior. Halosauropsis is macrochir gray black to bluish - black, the top of the head and the " throat " ( isthmus between the gills and the Branchiostegalmembran ) are black. The lateral line is strongly pigmented. The top of the head is scaleless, beschuppt the operculum.

Way of life

Halosauropsis macrochir lives on the lower continental shelf, the continental slopes and the upper Abyssal between the 4 - and 2 - ° C isotherms. He usually hovers close above the seabed or is it. The long, slender pectoral fins are held usually upward and forward. You could have a sensory function. Halosauropsis macrochir feeds on invertebrates, such as Vielborstern, echinoderms and crustaceans.
