Academic writing

A research paper is a systematically structured text in which one or more scientists representing the result of his or her independent research. Scientific papers generally arise at universities or other, including private ones, research institutions and are written by students, doctoral students or other researchers. However, this is not a mandatory feature. Before scientific conferences of scientific work is prompted by a call for papers for submission.


The methodology is generally based on the individual subjects in their culture and the usual methods. In science, the distinction between theoretical and empirical ways of working, a distinction is theoretical work, develop or verify the hypotheses based on existing literature (also: literature study), empirical work in which research is carried out directly on the object of study, then in the work is documented. In hermeneutic -related fields, depending on the subject and goal of knowledge, between investigative and expert opinions related stylistics and a reporting or interpretative ( analytical ) target direction can be distinguished, and there are also combinations thereof. For example, source location and status of research can be reported before the sources are analyzed, or it may, for example, first an analysis to be made, which is then discussed in the light of current research.

In the context of university studies students have to repeatedly create academic papers, namely papers, coursework and term papers. The study is completed regularly by a scientific thesis, so for example a diploma, master's, bachelor's or master's thesis, which are reviewed by the supervisor, the responsible high school teacher and possibly other professionals.

This Thesis is especially true that careful and conscientious supervision and support of examination candidates is by the or the supervising university teachers an important foundation for their success. Other grades for higher academic qualification is achieved by a dissertation and habilitation dissertation. It was not until the dissertation is expected that the work reflects not only the state of research, but places a cognitive progress with it.

The components of the scientific work are not standardized; often they are provided by caregivers, such as a specific guide. Study Theses and further qualifying scientific papers are usually of the following elements: title page; Preface; Table of Contents; List of abbreviations; Figures, tables or overview directory; Text part ( problem definition, concept definition, historical notes, study method - only for empirical work - course of the investigation, the main part (s), summary or conclusion or outlook); Appendix; Bibliography; Declaration of honor.

Scientific works are created in the scientific enterprise also by research reports are written ( about research ) or scientific articles for journals. The requirements of scientific Even for these works.

Scientific Work

Scientific work describes a methodical and systematic approach in which the results of the work for each are objectively comprehensible or repeatable. This means that information be disclosed (quoted ) and experiments described so that they can be reproduced. Anyone reading a scientific paper can always recognize on the basis of what facts and evidence, the author has arrived at its conclusions to which research results of other scholars he cites ( Citation ) and what ( new ) aspects of it are.

In the humanities and natural sciences, the claim to scientific work on the principle that there is never a subject of only one source of information, but always more. The following procedures are especially characteristic of the humanities.

In a first step, the scientist sets on the main aspects of his subject in a coherent and sifts through rough outline based on them suitable sources ( primary and secondary literature). He goes to archives or libraries and seeks academic papers to his subject or to aspects of his subject. He puts together a bibliography and writes excerpts. In the bibliography, the work only the works are to be mentioned later, were also cited.

In the second step, he overlooks the material and comparing sources and literature. Objectives are uncovering inconsistencies and developing one's own opinion.

In the third step, the author begins to write a research paper. He is more or less explain briefly what he has already found in publications and what they can contribute to their own project.

Are summaries of the various publications or even the combination of individual chapters or sections, which are then compared with the statements of other works possible. It is also possible to quote foreign authors literally.

In any case, the origin of an idea, concept, idea or empirical number must be identified. For the proof we distinguish quotes ( literal acquisitions) and borrowings (not verbatim, gist acquisitions). In both cases the sources in scientific annotations (often in the form of a footnote) specified. When quoting author, title, place of publication, year of publication and the page (s ) are given, one has used; borrowings at the source is a " see " prefix. The same applies to sources from the Internet. Each website is a source or literature, which must be specified in their own scientific work (URL and Calendar Date of download ).

The exact origin labeling is important for the verifiability of a statement. A statement must be traceable and thus be verifiable through to the source. This also serves to protect the scientist himself, he has taken unchecked misinformation and the origin is not specified, it is even blamed for the failure.

In a fourth step, the scientists developed his own idea; this question puts the cognitive interest of the author openly and directly affects the structure of his argument. For this, he wears together facts or examples and represents what he concludes from the facts presented or examples. He strives to produce proof or evidence of any statement and to justify any argument. The argumentation in a scientific paper follows the rules of logic. Indispensable is a result of last backup in the form of a conclusion (often called " result ", " circuit" or " conclusions " ) or a "summary". In a summary it should be noted that there is no new thoughts or problems may be imported. In case of publication, an abstract is often preceded by, that is a brief summary rendition of concept, the method (s ) and result ( sen) of the work.

In many scientific fields, there are technical terms. While it is not necessary that scientific work to fall back in a special way on foreign words, but often are the corresponding technical terms within the scientific community consistently and therefore easier to understand. An author can also introduce their own terms if necessary. He does this by having them defined and then used again in the same sense.
