Actinomyces israelii

Actinomyces israelii

Actinomyces israelii is a gram-positive rod-shaped bacterium. It is the Leitkeim of actinomycosis, which can be found in over 90 % of all clinical isolates of mixed bacterial infection. In addition, often can be cultured and Fusobacterium nucleatum.

Morphology and Culture

A Gram-positive, not acid-fast, anaerobic, microaerophilic, some branches exhibiting rod-shaped bacterium. Actinomycetes pus contains macroscopically small granules with a diameter of about one millimeter (called drusen ) consisting of microcolonies and surrounding Leukozytenwall.

Pathogenesis and clinical pictures

Actinomyces israelii is part of the normal flora. The endogenous infection with the pathogen causes a zervikofaciale, chronic destructive granulomatous inflammation with frequent involvement of the face, jaw, neck and tongue. Are pathognomonic fistulas and Druze.

Other forms of this disease:

  • Thoracic actinomycosis
  • Abdominal actinomycosis
  • Genital actinomycosis
  • Lacrimal sac - actinomycosis ( canaliculitis )


Cultural Propagation from pus, Fistelsekret, tissues and Bronchioalvelolärer lavage ( BAL ) is possible. Slow growth. Colonies on the agar plate only visible after two weeks.


Surgical excision of the fistula and antibiotic therapy. Pathogens normally (amino ) penicillin sensitive but often indicated broad spectrum antibiotics for accompanying flora. The problem is the high recurrence rate.
