Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

Angina Plaut -Vincent is a relatively rare form of tonsillitis ( inflammation). Synonymous with the terms tonsillitis tonsillitis, and colitis ulceromembranacea. The pathogens were first described in 1894 by the German bacteriologist HC Plaut from Hamburg, a little later by the French scientist JH Vincent.

It is caused by a mixed infection of the spirochete Treponema vincentii and oxygen-sensitive fusiform fusobacteria helically wound ( Fusobacterium nucleatum ) and manifests itself by moderate, predominantly unilateral swallowing at relatively slightly disturbed general condition and usually fever freedom. What is striking is the contrast between relatively small complaints and the considerable local findings. It forms a contrast to the streptococcal angina usually unilateral, fibrinous exudate ulcer on the tonsil, with the tissue death (necrosis ) accompanied the mucosa. Typically this is a foul-smelling gray - greenish slimy coating of the ulcer, which differs markedly from the white stipple the more common streptococcal tonsillitis. From the disorder adolescents are frequently affected.

The disease is usually treated as a streptococcal tonsillitis with penicillin or a Penicillinabkömmling.

The differential diagnosis among other things, a tuberculosis to think syphilis or a malignant neoplasm.

The Plaut -Vincent angina is the most common form of the so-called Fusotreponematosen, which can also occur outside of almonds on the pharyngeal mucosa and gums. Also, the Noma belongs to this group of diseases.
