Adam Cheyer

Adam Cheyer is an American software engineer and co-founder of Siri, the voice recognition software for the iPhone from Apple. Previously, he worked as a computer scientist and technical director at the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International, where he was the chief developer of the CALO project.

He was also a founding member of and Genetic Finance. As an innovative scientists and entrepreneurs, he is a frequent speaker at conferences - most recently in October 2013 at the Pioneer Festival in Vienna.

Cheyer studied at the private Brandeis University in Massachusetts and acquired in 1988 the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Then he dealt with Artificial Intelligence and received his doctorate at the University of California (UCLA ), Los Angeles Master of Science in 1993.

  • Computer scientist
  • Person (Apple)
  • Software Developer
  • Americans
  • Born in the 20th century
  • Man