Adductor hallucis muscle

The adductor hallucis (Latin for " big toe pre- leader" ) is one of the skeletal muscles on the sole of the foot. It consists of two heads:

  • Transverse head ( querer head)
  • Oblique head ( oblique head)

The transverse head originates on the basis of the joint capsules 3rd to 5th toe and the metatarsal deep transverse ligament. The oblique head originates on the cuboid bone ( cuboid ) outer sphenoid bone ( lateral cuneiform ), at the sole long ligament ( plantar longum ) and the plantar ligament calcaneocuboideum. Both muscle heads form a common tendon that attaches to the lateral sesamoid bone of the capsule of the metatarsophalangeal joint, and at the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe.

The muscle adducts the big toe, that is, he pulls her up against the second toe. In addition, the muscle is involved in the bending.

  • Skeletal muscle of the lower limb