List of adductors of the human body

Adduction ( from Latin: adducere = introduce ) is in medicine the approach Perform a body part to body or limb axis. Thus, those are referred to as adductor muscle, which enable the longitudinal axis of a limb, is transferred to the plane of the body longitudinal axis.

Adductor injuries are common sports injuries.

Examples of movement:

  • A abgespreiztes leg is pulled straight under the body.
  • A parked arm is used on the body.
  • Splayed toes are drawn together again.
  • Tightening the thumb splayed on hand

To the 3-axis ball and socket joints such as the hip joint or shoulder joint, the primary motion is the sagittal = dorsoventral main axis.

In ophthalmology adduction refers to the inward turning of the eyeball toward the nose by contracture of the medial rectus muscle. If both eyes adducted at the same time, this is called convergence.
