Adductor magnus muscle

The adductor magnus (Latin for " adductor magnus " ) is the largest of the adductors of the thigh. Between his lugs on the linea aspera and adductor tubercle to the adductor hiatus forms (from Latin hiatus " opening " ) or tendinous hiatus. Through this opening the femoral artery and the femoral vein pass over the adductor canal in the squat.

In ungulates it is the only of the three Musculi adductores and is therefore referred to simply as adductor. For animals for slaughter the muscle is part of the upper shell.


The adductor magnus bends and adduction ( adduction: Pre- pull center of the body ) the thigh at the hip joint. The dorsal portion of the adductor magnus extends the thigh at the hip joint, as this part arises from the ischial tuberosity.
