Adolphe Delattre

Pierre Adolphe Delattre ( born February 12, 1805 in Tours, France, † January 3, 1854 in Nice ) was a French ornithologist and artist.


Delattre was the son of Louis -Henri Delattre and Eugénie Lemaire. In the period 1831-1851 Delattre undertook several expeditions to America. His main interest was in exploring the hummingbirds. Delattre edited together with Jules Bourcier and René Primevère Lesson numerous hummingbird species from Central and South America.

He went into the synagogue of the French artist Jean -Baptiste Isabey. Like his brother, Augustin -Henri Delattre (1801-1867), who was also an artist and naturalist, Pierre Adolphe painted numerous paintings. He dedicated his brother along with Lesson in 1839 the type Ornismya Henrica. Later it turned out that it was a junior synonym of Rotkehlnymphe ( Lampornis amethystinus Swainson, 1827). While Henri especially painted horses, but also other animals portrayed Piere Adolphe dear people. Among other things, Delattre created the works:

In 1833, he created in Rio de Janeiro, a group of portrait miniatures of the House of Habsburg. One of the portraits was named Donna Januaria sister Don Pedro II, born in Rio. When he returned in 1832 from his trip, he brought many collectors pieces from different branches of Natural History. These included pieces from the botany, mineralogy, ornithology, and especially the entomology. From this time he put the Muséum national d' histoire naturelle also a beetle named Osorius brasiliensis available, the Pierre André Latreille first described in 1832 for science. His first trip to America took him with a sailing ship, first to San Francisco in California. From here he began a journey through Central America, which took him over Guatemala to Nicaragua. The result of his collections described Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte in 1854 in the publication Notes sur les collections ornithologiques rapportées en 1853 par MA Delattre. Later, he embarked on a journey of discovery to Peru, Ecuador and the former Viceroyalty of New Granada, which eventually led him to the Isthmus of Panama. From there, he brought a considerable collection birds to Paris, which he sold Thomas Bellerby Wilson. On this trip he collected in Peru, a bald - throated Dipper ( Cinclus leucocephalus), which he left to Johann Jakob von Tschudi for analysis.

His affinity for art, science and nobility manifested itself in the name chosen for Ornismya helenae (now Lophornis helenae ), which he wrote in the original description:

" ... Nous nommons L' Oiseau - MOUCHE Helene ( Ornismya helenae ), en l' honneur d' Hélène d' Orléans, cette noble princesse, protect rice des arts et qu'elle ecourage qu'elle cultive avec tant de Gôut et, dont la grand infortune rehausse le beau caracter. Puisse la princesse Hélène accuellir avec cet bonté voayageur, heureux, dans contrées lontaines, de cette conquérir rarissime espèce pour lui donner le nom d'une épouse et d'une si mére chére a la France. "


René Primevère Lesson devoted Delattre 1839 Zierelfe ( Lophornis delattrei ). In the drawings John Gould's Hummingbird one finds the English common name De Lattre 's Coquette.

In his Conspectus generum avium 1850 used Bonaparte Campylopterus delattre for zoologique of Lesson and Delattre in 1939 in the Revue par la Société cuviérienne type described with the French common name Oiseau -Mouche ( Campyloptère ) De Lattre ( Ornismya Campylopterus ). Bonaparte's scientific taxon was taken over by John Gould in his drawings and so additionally originated the English common name De Lattre 's Sabre -Wing. Later it turned out that this type has already been described in 1830 by Ferdinand Deppe. Today, the hummingbird under violet Sabrewing ( Campylopterus hemileucurus ) is prized. In the same work, he created the new genus Delattria under which he ( clemenciae synonym for the Blue -throated (Lampornis ) ) the types Ornismya clemenciae Lesson, 1829, Ornismya Henrica Lesson & Delattre, 1839 (synonym for Rotkehlnymphe Lampornis amethystinus Swainson, 1827) and Trochilus viridi - Pallens, Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846 ( a synonym for the Green-throated (Lampornis viridipallens ) ) presented. According to the International Regulations for Zoological Nomenclature thus had the generic name of William Swainson Vorang before Bonaparte. Bonaparte used again in 1854 the name Delattre for a subspecies of Buschtinamu called Crypturellus cinnamomeus delattrii. The taxon Basileuterus delattrii ( Bonaparte, 1854), which use some authors is debatable. Many ornithologists consider this type, as a subspecies of the Red Caps - warbler ( Basileuterus rufifrons delattrii ). Therefore Robert Ridgway called him in his A manual of North American birds also Delattre 's Warbler.

Another type named Delattre 1847 by the French ornithologist Frédéric de Lafresnaye under the name Schwarzachseltangare ( Tachyphonus delatrii ) described. In French, this was also known by the trivial name Tangara de Delattre input.


Delattre was a member of the Société entomologique de France.

Types according to Delattre

Some types Delattre has named along with Lesson or Bourcier. Among the species discovered and named Delattre has belong sorted by year:


  • The emerald -throated Hummingbird ( Abeillia abeillei ) ( Lesson & Delattre, 1839)
  • The Rosenkehlelfe ( Atthis heloisa ) ( Lesson & Delattre, 1839)
  • The Rose -throated Hummingbird star ( Doricha eliza ) ( Lesson & Delattre, 1839)
  • The Black Belly Glanzschwänzchen ( Metallura phoebe ) ( Lesson & Delattre, 1839)
  • The Zimtroter shadow Hummingbird ( Phaethornis pretrei ) ( Lesson & Delattre, 1839)


  • The Zimtbauchamazilie ( Amasilia rutila ) ( Delattre, 1843)
  • The strip -tailed Hummingbird ( Eupherusa eximia ) ( Delattre, 1843)
  • The radio -throated Hummingbird ( Heliomaster constantii ) ( Delattre, 1843)
  • The Schwarzschopfelfe ( Lophornis helenae ) ( Delattre, 1843)
  • The Western Long-tailed Hummingbird shadow ( Phaethornis longirostris ) ( Delattre, 1843)


  • The Langschwanzsylphe ( Aglaiocercus kingii Mocoa ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The Edwardamazilie ( Amasilia edward ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The steel Green Amazilie ( Amasilia saucerrottei ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The white tip Glanzschwänzchen ( Chalcostigma herrani ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The Pale Wing Andean Hummingbird ( Coeligena lutetiae ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The Brauner Andean Hummingbird ( Coeligena wilsoni ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The black panties ( Eriocnemis derbyi ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846).
  • The Golden-breasted Hummingbird panties ( Eriocnemis mosquera ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The blue head - Sapphire Hummingbird ( Hylocharis grayi ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The Samtbauchkolibri ( Lafresnaya lafresnayi saul ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The Green Glanzschwänzchen ( Metallura williami ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The Ecuador Andes Hummingbird ( Oreotrochilus chimborazo ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The Breastplate Hummingbird ( Phaeochroa cuvierii ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)
  • The Green Crown nymph ( Thalurania fannyi ) ( Delattre & Bourcier, 1846)


  • Together with René Primevère Lesson: Oiseaux - Mouches nouveaux au très rares, decouverts par M. De Lattre dans son voyage en Amerique et décrits. In: Revue Zoological par La Société Cuvierienne. Vol 2, 1839, pp. 13-20 (online, accessed on March 14, 2014).
  • Description d'un Oiseau -Mouche noveau, Ornismya helenae. In: Revue Zoological par La Société Cuvierienne. Vol 6, 1843, p 133 (online, accessed on March 14, 2014).
  • Note sur les mœurs you Couroucou Pavonin, et détails sur les Contrée qu'il habite. In: Revue Zoological par La Société Cuvierienne. Vol 6, 1843, pp. 163-165 (online, accessed on March 14, 2014).
  • Nouvelle d' oiseau mouche espèce the plus remarqubles, ( Ornismya helenae ). In: L'Echo du Monde Savant (= 2nd Vol 7, No. 42). 1843, pp. 991-992.
  • Oiseaux - Mouches nouveaux au peu connus, découverts au Gualimala. In: L'Echo du Monde Savant (= 2nd Vol 7, No. 45). 1843, pp. 1068-1070.
  • Together with Jules Bourcier: Description de quinze espèce nouvelle de Trochilidèe, faisant partie de collections rapportées par M. Ad. De Lattre dont le précédentes excursions ont déjà enrichi plusieurs branches de L' histoire naturelle et de L' intérieur de provenant Pérou, de républiques de l' Equateur, de la Nouvelle- Grenade et del'isthme de Panama. In: Revue Zoological par La Société Cuvierienne. Vol 9, 1846, pp. 305-312 (online, accessed on March 14, 2014).
  • Ornithology d'Europe. Vol 1,? , Douai 1844 (online, accessed on March 14, 2014).
  • Ornithology d'Europe. Vol 2,? , Douai 1844 ( Online, accessed on 14 March 2014).
  • Album d' ornithology européenne. ? , Douai 1844 ( Online, accessed on 14 March 2014).
  • Costumes de Nice: dessinés d'après nature. Lemercier, Paris 1850.