
Adoration (Latin adoratio, English worship ) is in the opinion of many religions is a direct and reverent speech of God or a deity, as God's worship (Latin devotio, also Theolatrie ) it expresses itself in worship ( cultus ).

Often with the worship of particular gestures connected, such as kneeling, certain arm and hand postures or look upwards.

The word is also used in a transferred sense (eg, He prayed his wife ).

Animism, polytheism

The concrete mind of the people since primitive societies often tied to the worship of sacred places (trees, springs, temples, tombs ) or objects ( amulets, images of the gods ), which has continued as a tradition in monotheistic religions.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Judaism, Religion output of the Abrahamic religions, worship knows the meaning of prayer to the one God, indivisible, the opposite is the transcendent world of plurality and of things. In some psalms is clear that worship may be associated with vocals and instruments as part of Jewish life.

In Jewish monotheism, which corresponds to the Islamic tawhid, the following applies:

  • No other God is to be worshiped:
  • Idols and the work of the hands should not be worshiped:

According to the idea of ​​a Trinity Christian churches also refer Jesus as the Son of God in their worship with a. This is also evidence from the New Testament are called. The in the Book of Revelation addressed to Jesus worship sounds similar to the request addressed to God (Rev 4,11 EU, Rev 5.12 EU). Some communities such as the Jehovah's Witnesses are limited in worship to the Lord God said.

In the Catholic and the Orthodox Church is the worship or latreia which is only payable to the Triune God, strictly distinguished from the worship or Dulia that must be paid even saints and icons.

In the visual arts

Well-known, traditional motifs of religious painting are the adoration of the infant Jesus by the Magi or the Adoration of the Shepherds. The meeting around the Golden Calf is the worship of an idol.

Pictures of Adoration
