Aegidius Gelenius

Aegidius Gelenius ( born June 10, 1595 Kempen; † August 24, 1656 in Osnabrück ) was a Roman Catholic priest and historian of Cologne from the 17th century.

Consecrated on March 16, 1619 Priests of the Diocese of Cologne, he was appointed on 29 November 1655 Titular Bishop of Aureliopolis in Asia and Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Osnabrück. The episcopal ordination he received on 26 March 1656 but died shortly afterwards.

His most famous work is the 1645 published in Cologne book " From the admirable sacred and civil Size Cologne " ( De sacra et civili admirable anda magnitudine Coloniae ).

The Cologne historian John Gelenius (1585-1631) was his brother.
