Aegle koekeritziana

Aegle kaekeritziana

To find Aegle kaekeritziana in the literature sometimes with epithets koekeritziana, coeceritziana, flavida, or sulphurifera flava, is a butterfly (moth ) from the family of cutworms ( Noctuidae ).

  • 4.1 Notes and references
  • 4.2 Literature



The moths reach a wingspan of 20-26 millimeters. The front wings are almost monochromatic pale gray-green to gray- yellow. The apex is pointed. In some instances, a point-like black blemish kidney can be observed. The outermost seam line shimmers mostly slightly reddish. The hind wings are without markings dark greyish brown.


Adults caterpillars are greenish yellow to yellow gray and unclear, wide, gray back line. The gray side stripes are also limited orange down. The small head is light brown, pronotum and spiracles are black.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The proliferation of Aegle kaekeritziana ranges from a few places in South East Europe and the Mediterranean and eastwards through Turkey and the Caucasus to Transcaucasia. In German-speaking countries, the species is detected in a few places in Burgenland. The animals are mainly found in warm and dry steppes.

Way of life

The nocturnal moths fly from May to end of August and visit and artificial light sources. The caterpillars feed on various types of larkspur ( Delphinium ). They pupate in a tight cocoon.

