Aemilia Lepida (fiancee of Claudius)

Aemilia Lepida (c. 3 BC) was a great-granddaughter of the Emperor Augustus.

She was the eldest daughter of Lucius Aemilius Paullus Iulia Minor and in close connection to the iulisch -Claudian imperial house. As a child she was with her cousin Claudius, the future emperor, engaged. This engagement was terminated, however, when her mother fell in AD 8 for an alleged affair with Decimus Silanus, the brother of Marcus Junius Silanus, in disgrace.

Instead, she married Marcus Junius Silanus Torquatus little later. Children from this marriage were

  • Decimus Junius Silanus Torquatus (consul 53 ) (* 10, † 64)
  • Lucius Junius Silanus ( praetor 48 ) (* 12, † 49), fiance of Octavia
  • Marcus Junius Silanus (consul 46 ) ( * 14 † 54)
  • Iunia Silana (* 15-20; † 59) or Iunia Lepida and
  • Iunia Calvina (* 25; † after 79).

About the time of her death is not known. Their children and grandchildren were all the snares of Agrippina the Younger and Nero victim who saw a danger in the last physical descendants of Augustus.
