
Afallach (Welsh [ a'vaɬax ] ) is a legendary figure from the medieval Welsh legends collection Mabinogion. In the "four branches of the Mabinogi " he is not mentioned, however, comes in other stories of this collection in the genealogy of the main characters before.

Mythology and Etymology

Afallach was the son of Beli Mawr and Anu, and the brother and father of Modron Caswallawns. From its mythology is virtually nothing is known, but he is, like most figures of the four branches of the Mabinogion, considered as a possible euhemerisierte Celtic deity. His name is known by the Ynys Afallach. Geoffrey of Monmouth sees in this name the Welsh translation of the mythical island Insula avalonis. However, Geoffrey himself speaks in his Vita Merlini of it as Insula pomorum ( "Apple Island" ), whereupon the sailors Legend of the paradise island of Emain apple Ablach points. Since Afallach likely ( [ a'vaɬ ] Welsh " apple " or " apple tree") from the word derives afall, but a compound of the names would also be so given.
