African manatee

African manatee ( Trichechus senegalensis )

The African manatee ( Trichechus senegalensis ) is a Seekuhart from the family of manatees ( Trichechidae ). He lives as the sole representative of its genus in coastal and inland waters of Africa and is the least explored way of their family.


African manatee exhibit the usual physique of manatees on: the hull is round and stocky, the forelimbs are modified into flippers, the Fluke ( tail fin ) is round and the hind limbs are missing. The small head is characterized by the angular, massive snout, which is provided with numerous vibrissae. The upper lip is split, each half can be moved independently of the other. The eyes are small, as well as ear holes, an outer ear is missing. African Manatees are externally very similar to the Caribbean Manatee and differ only in details of the skull building.

The thick skin is gray-brown in color and provided with colorless, bristle-like hairs. Adult animals can reach a length of three to four meters, their weight is up to 500 kilograms.

Distribution and habitat

African manatees live primarily in estuaries of rivers, in mangrove areas, marshes and rivers; they penetrate far inland before, along the Niger they even live in Mali, 2000 km from the coast. Along the African Atlantic coast, their range extends from Senegal to Angola. Among the rivers where these animals occur include, among other things, the Senegal, the Gambia, Volta, the Niger, the Benue, the lower reaches of the Congo and the feeder of Lake Chad. Its distribution area is, however, limited to waters with more than 18 ° C temperature. The extent to which they inhabit oceans, is controversial, reportedly they avoid salty waters.

Way of life

Not much is known about the life of the African manatee, probably it's the same in many parts of the Caribbean Manatee. Like all manatees keep these animals permanently in the water and can not come ashore. They live either solitary or in small groups of four to six animals, their social behavior is poorly developed.

African Manatees are herbivores that feed from growing into or suspended in water plants. Due to the low nutritional value of these plants, they must take a lot of food, estimates amount to more than 20 kilograms per day.

Little is known about reproduction, presumably the animals reproduce throughout the year. After an approximately 12 - to 13-month gestation, the female is likely to bring a single young is born. This comes ahead with the tail on the world and can float within a short time.


In contrast to the other types African manatees were never pursued by organized hunting expeditions. Nevertheless, the IUCN classifies this species as endangered. Locally, they are hunted for their meat and fur. In some African countries, kill fisherman manatees because they blame the animals to steal fish from the nets. At least from other Manatiarten there are isolated reports of this behavior could actually occur.

Quite often said to be the African manatee still in Gabon, Cameroon, Ghana and the Ivory Coast. However, he is almost eradicated, for example in Senegal, Gambia, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
