African Volleyball Confederation

The Confédération Africaine de Volleyball ( CAVB ) is the African governing body of volleyball. The headquarters of the Association is located in Cairo ( Egypt).


Officially created the CAVB last continental federation, as the FIVB 1972 Volleyball her five zone Commissions transformed into continental federations. The African Commission was established in 1967. Although the Egyptian Association in 1947 was involved in the founding of the FIVB, volleyball is mainly played in Africa remains by amateurs, even in countries like South Africa and Egypt, who were already involved in the Olympic Games. In recent years, the world governing body has implemented measures to increase the level of performance on the continent. Current President of CAVB is the Egyptian Amr El Wani.

The CAVB is the individual national associations superior and organizes continental competitions such as the African Cup of Nations ( first time 1967). The Association is also involved in the organization of qualifiers for the Olympic Games and World Championships as well as in international competitions, organized by member associations.

Member Associations

The following table shows all member associations of CAVB.
