Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata

The Agenzia Nazionale Stampa associata ( ANSA ) is an Italian news agency, which was founded on January 15, 1945 in Rome. It is a cooperative of 36 associates publishers, including major newspapers in Italy, and is considered the leading Italian news agency Adnkronos before.

In Italy, the ANSA maintains 22 offices abroad, it maintains a further 81 in 78 states. The headquarters in Rome is located in Via della Dataria 94

The Agency shall submit more than 3500 messages and over 1500 Press images per day.

As the first Italian ANSA Nachrichtenargentur began in 1996 with the distribution of messages by SMS. The ANSAmed disseminated since 2003 messages related to the Mediterranean.

The immediate predecessor of ANSA was founded in Turin on January 26, 1853 Agenzia Stefani Telegrafica.
