Ahmad Fatfat

Ahmad fatfat ( born March 28, 1953 in Syr El Dannieh ) was the interim interior minister of Lebanon from 5 February to 24 November 2006., He has taken during the time of the sudden resignation of his predecessor Hassan Sabeh this position. Original and during the time he was in government in July 2005 Minister of Youth and Sports. Since 1996 he is member of the Lebanese Parliament

He was born the son of Mohammed Khodr fatfat and Farida Jezzar Raad He is married to Rola Nazih Mazloum and has two sons. His family of origin has a conservative attitude and Sunni faith. Since 1986 he has also adopted the Belgian nationality

After the burning of the Danish embassy, and several churches in East Beirut's Christian neighborhoods as a result of the cartoons controversy in February 2006, Interior Minister fatfat has quickly "radical Shiite elements " and " Christian allied with the Syrian regime problem makers" accused. This statement he had to withdraw later, when it turned out that all arrested that day by the Lebanese police anti -Christian troublemakers were radical Sunni Islamists and many of them Fatfats own party belonged.
