Ahmed Resmî Efendi

Ahmed Ibrahim Resmi also Giridî, " the Cretan ", called (* 1694 or 1695 in Rethymno [ türk Resmo ] in Crete [ türk Girit ]; † in August 1783 in Istanbul ) was a chronicler and senior officials of the Ottoman Empire.


About the youth of Ahmed Resmi İbrahim nothing is known. He came in 1733, 1734 or 1735 to Istanbul, where he studied calligraphy and stylistics as a student of Abdullah al - Husayn, and Abu al - Tijah. Ahmed married a daughter of Re'is Efendi ( secretary at court ) Ta'ûkçi Mustafa and entered the service of the court. His work as muderris ( professor at a medrese ), as well as its honorary title hacı leave on successful completion of tests and include a pilgrimage to Mecca, details are not found in the chronicles of his time. He was closely associated with a number of intellectuals and reformers wanted to make known to the Western diplomatic practices in the Ottoman Empire and founded some of the first privately run public libraries in Istanbul. Some of his patrons were senior statesmen and writers of the 18th century.

Ahmed Ibrahim's first office in 1747 was that of a tax officials (BAS muqata'acı ). Died in 1749 his stepfather and sponsors Tavukçubaşı Mustafa, diplomat and close associate of the Grand Vizier and Ahmed wrote his first works to make known his literary skills at the Sublime Porte. In 1757 he was a member of an embassy to the imperial court in Vienna, on behalf of the new Sultan Mustafa III. ( 1757-74 ) was on the way. After Istanbul, he returned in 1758 back again.

The first Ottoman embassy to Berlin to the court of the Prussian king Frederick the Great, he served as ambassador in 1763 bis 1764th On both trips he has detailed reports written, not only on diplomatic events, but also about people and politics of the countries visited. His reports woke to the Sublime Porte not only the interest of Western politics, but also led to the fact that Sultan Selim III. permanent ambassador in many European states sent.

After this message trip was Ahmed Ibrahim Head of correspondence offices at the court of the Grand Vizier ( mektupçu ). In 1765 he received the office of Lord Chamberlain or doors Marshal ( çavuşbaşı ). He was second deputy of the Grand Vizier Moldovani 'Ali Pasha and his successor, Mehmed Paşa Muhsinzade during the Ottoman- Russian War 1768-1774 at the Bulgaria - front. Ahmed was named in the reports about it as a consultant and as a generous aid of wounded soldiers. But since he also wrote critical reports on the Ottoman military organization, his future career was stopped by intrigue. He was a signatory to the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (1774 ) and then also got a few posts at the sultan assigned as sinecures. About his death, there is only sparse news, he died on August 31, 1783 and one of his sons established the funeral in the district Selîmiyye in Scutari from. For more information about his family could not be found.

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