Ahmose, son of Ebana

Ahmose, son of Abana (also Ahmose, son of Ebana, Ahmose, son of Abina or Ahmose, son of Ibana ) (born 16th century BC in el- Kab; † after 1500 BC) was an ancient Egyptian naval officer of the New Kingdom. He is known primarily for his autobiography in his rock grave of el- Kab, in which he describes his deeds among the kings Ahmose I and Thutmose I..


Ahmose spent his youth in El - Kab, about 65 kilometers south of Thebes. His father Bibi, son of Rainet, served at the time of the 17th dynasty as an officer under Seqenenre. Under King Ahmose I. Ahmose, son of Abana occurred, even as a young man his service as a soldier on a ship.

After the establishment of a household, Ahmose was transferred to a new vessel and fought as foot and Marines at the siege of the Hyksos capital Avaris with. The attack on the city was with several surprise attacks, where you quickly did booty and then quickly withdrew again. Ahmose killing multiple enemies and earned the honor three times in gold and slaves as war booty.

" When the city of Avaris was besieged, I proved my bravery as Fußkämpfer before His Majesty. Since I was determined for the ship Published in Memphis [ the king's ship ]. After struggling to water on the Pa - Djedku channel of Avaris. Since I made loot, a hand [ was the one slain enemy cut off ], we reported it to the king's rapporteur and they gave me the gold of valor. "

After the capture of Avaris, he participated in the three-year siege of the well-fortified city Sharuhen in southern Palestine, where he again captured slaves and bravery gold won.

As the Asian tribes were defeated in the north, he participated in a campaign in Nubia and in the suppression of the Nubian uprising. In Middle Egypt, there was an uprising of the commander Tetian, he also defeated with.

Under Amenhotep I and Tuthmosis I. there were further military incursions in the south, in the course of Ahmose ascended to the top naval officer. His last contribution was made in a Syrian campaign of Thutmose in its fourth or fifth year of reign, which led in northern Mesopotamia as far as Carchemish.


The grave of Ahmose is located on the northeastern shore of the Nile in the Upper Egyptian town of el- Kab. It is with EK5 called ( for el- Kab 5) and is one of the most important rock-cut tombs of the local necropolis, the tombs of the Second Intermediate includes up to the 20th Dynasty. The grave is significant mainly by the autobiographical inscription of the owner, which is considered an important historical source for the beginning of the 18th dynasty and is in addition to the reports of the victories Kamose the most important contemporary texts on the expulsion of the Hyksos from Lower Egypt.
