Airas Nunes

The outbuildings (* 1230, † 1289 ) was a Spanish cleric, and troubadour of the 13th century, who was probably born in Galicia. He stood first in archiepiscopal court and was 1284-1289 poet at the court of Sancho IV

His songs are in the medieval Galician - Portuguese language, Galego - Portugues written. Nunes used in them also quotes other poets such as Don Denís, Alfonso X (Castile ), João Zorro and Nuno Fernandes Torneol. It is believed that he has worked much of the Cantigas de Santa Maria.

There are 15 known of his compositions: seven songs of love, friendship three songs, four joke songs, two dance songs and a Pastor Ella.

Pictures of Airas Nunes
