The ALARM (Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile ) is an anti-radar air -to-ground missile from MBDA, which was primarily developed for the suppression of enemy air defense. In your role is similar to the ALARM of the U.S. AGM -88 HARM, but the manner of operation is different.

After shooting down the ALARM it rises to a height of 13 kilometers in the direction of the targeted radar position. Turns during which the radar station from the rocket, the first stage of its missile drive shuts down and opens a parachute and slowly slides towards the target / ground. If the radar station now back online, the ALARM throws her parachute and ignites the second stage of the rocket engine and attacks the target. The ALARM has been used since 1990 by the RAF and the Royal Saudi Air Force. The British air forces have phased out the ALARM end of the year 2013.
