Alat tribe

The Ulayundluğ were a oghusischer tribe. They settled during the Seljuk conquest of the Middle East, mainly on the territory of modern Turkey. Other spellings are Alayuntluq ( Azerbaijani ) and Alaýuntly ( Turkmen ).

Mahmoud al - Kaschghari she mentioned under the name Ulayuntluğ as one of the 24 Oghuz tribes. As a totem animal they had a Red-footed Falcon. Their tribal name means in the Old Turkic, with a colorful horse.

The Dodurga have come with the Seljuks in the 11th century from Central Asia to Anatolia. Today, there are still remnants of the tribe of Turkey. In today's Turkey, there are two places called Alayund and Alayunt.
