Albert Hauf

Albert Hauf i Guillem Valls ( born 1938 in Sóller, Mallorca, Spain ) is a Spanish philologist, historian and literary critic of German origin. He specializes in Catalan and Occitan literature.


Hauf studied Romance Philology at the University of Barcelona with a grant from the Joan March Foundation. He wrote a small dissertation on the edition of the Aragonese text of the agricultural treatise of Palladius Rutilius Emilianus when he was licentiate. He received his PhD in the same university with a supervised by Professor Martí de Riquer dissertation on the Vita Christi of the medieval Catalan writer Francesc Eiximenis and the medieval tradition of Vitae Christi. They recognized him in 1977 because of this dissertation the right conferred by the IEC Nicolau d'Olwer - price.

In 1964 he started at the University of Cardiff ( Wales) to work as a teacher of Spanish and Catalan. He was a professor of Hispanic Studies. He then began courses in Catalan language and literature. He was with the political line of the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher not agree, and that's why he left the UK in 1987. He then came under at the University of Valencia, where he is Professor of Catalan Philology at the time.

Since 1992, he has taken care of research projects especially about the golden age of Valencian literature of the 15th century. These projects were subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Valencian culture department. Until 2007, he oversaw sixteen doctoral dissertations. He has organized conferences and academic collections: The cultural atmosphere of Valencia during the second half of the 15th century, Tirant lo Blanc and his translator, Tirant lo Blanc, James I, Ausiàs Marc, Marc's Ausiàs readings, Francesc Eiximenis.

He is a member of the Valencian Academy of Language, the University Institute of Valencian Philology and the Institute of Catalan Studies. He was founder and president of the International Society for Catalan language and literature.

He is also a member of the following societies: Valencian Institute for Studies and Research ( by Joan Fuster ), management of the Anglo - Catalan Society ( 1973-1978 ), staff meeting at the University of Valencia (1995-2001 ); Management of the National Library of Madrid (1995-1997); Mossèn Alcover Foundation (2001); Jury of Joan Fuster essay prices (1989 and 1991) and National Awards for humanistic education ( Essay, 1991 and 1992; novel, 1993; Literature, 1998), which gives the Spanish Ministry of Culture; Commission edition of the works of Francesc Eiximenis; Commission edition of the works of Ramon Llull. He was also a member of the editorial board of the following journals: Estudis Romànics, Caplletra, Llengua i Literatura and ELLC. It's finally Managerial Adviser of the following journals: Revue d' Etudes Catalanes (France), Tesserae (United Kingdom), Catalan Review ( United States), Afers, Studia Philologica Valentina and Ausa.


He has written articles for various newspapers ( both popular and scientific). He has also participated in television and radio broadcasts. He has also worked with Martí de Riquier and Mario Vargas Llosa in a CDR on Joanot Martorells Tirant lo Blanc.

He is the author of about two hundred research works in ELL, 4 ( 1998) 261-271 are listed. The following plants can be identified:

  • Edition of Speculum Humanae Salvationis.
  • Teresa Perez Higuera and Albert Hauf i Valls. Estudios y comentarios, Madrid, Edilán, 2000, 2 vols.
  • Edition of Vita Christi, Isabel de Villena, Barcelona, ​​Ed. 62, 1995.
  • Edition of Speculum Animae, ( Isabel de Villena attributed ), Madrid, Edilán, 1993, 2 ​​volumes.
  • D' Eiximenis a Sor Isabel de Villena. Aportació a l' estudi de la nostra cultura medieval, Biblioteca Sanchis Guarner, 19, Valencia, Barcelona, ​​1990 ( Serra d'Or Criticism Prize, 1991)
  • Edition of Martorell's Tirant lo Blanc Joanot, 2 volumes, Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana, 1992 and 1990.
  • Edition of La Flor de les istories d' Orient, Barcelona, ​​1989 (1990 Massó i Torrent Prize for the best work on medieval themes ).
  • Edition by Joan Eiximenos quarantena de Contemplacio, editions of the Abbey of Montserrat, 1986.
  • Contemplacio de la Passió, Barcelona, 1983.
  • Francesc Eiximenis ' Lo crestia ( selection), Barcelona, ​​Ed. 62, 1983.
  • El Ars Praedicandi de Fr Alfonso d' Alprao, Rome, 1979;
  • Introductions for José Pous, Visionarios, beguinos y fraticelos, Alicante, 1996, 9-112; and Joan Fuster 's Misògins i enamorat, Alzira, 1995.
  • 25 of his articles have been published in the floor plan of the Roman literature of the Middle Ages, XI / 2 (Heidelberg, 1993).
  • He made translations from German, English and French. The Spanish version of Arthur Terry, Catalan Literature: Literatura Catalana ( Barcelona-Caracas. Mexico, 1977 and 1983 ) together with the additional bibliography must be underlined.