Albia Dominica

Albia Domnica (c. 337; † after 378) was that of the Roman Emperor Valens woman ( 364-378 ).

Domnica, in some sources Dominica, was the daughter of patricius Petronius, the praepositus the Martenses seniores, a unit of the eastern field army, was above 364. The date of her marriage to Valens is unknown, but it must have taken place some years before the Kaiser survey, since at the time of the revolt of Procopius ( 365-366 ) her two daughters, Anastasia and Carusa were old enough to get grammar lessons.

Domnica had, together with the Patriarch of Antioch Eudoxius, a great influence on the arianerfreundliche policy of the emperor. When her little son Galates by 370 ( or 372 ) became seriously ill in Caesarea, should have recognized it in dream visions God's punishment for the bad treatment of the Trinitarian Metropolitan Basil by the Emperor, the Empress. The heir to the throne was nevertheless named after arianischem rite and died shortly afterwards.

After her husband's death at the Battle of Adrian Opel August 9, 378 Domnica took over in the east provisionally the regency. You paid from the custody in Adrian Opel Reich Treasury a hastily dug citizen militia, who managed to hold the city and thus prevent an advance of the Goths against Konstantin Opel. The Western Emperor Gratian, since the death of Valens also nominally ruler of the Eastern Empire, appointed on 19 January 379 Theodosius as his successor. Date and circumstances of death are unknown Domnicas.


  • Ammianus Marcellinus 26, 6
  • Paschale Chronicon, sub anno 364
  • Socrates Scholasticus, Historia ecclesiastica, 4:26 (English)