Albrecht Pfister

Albrecht Pfister (* 1420, † before April 13, 1466 ) was a printer and publisher in Bamberg and the first book printer outside of Mainz; he was the first to so equip his prints with illustrations.

Life and work

From Albrecht Pfister's life little is known. He was form letter cutter and printer before he learned the printing press, and is covered with a first printing in 1462 in Bamberg. In Bamberg he lived in today's estate sun cookies 2 This property had later Pankrazberg Wagner.

Comparisons of Pfister 's type set with previous printing can, however, lead to the assumption that he had already established at the end of the 1450s a Offizin in Bamberg. Pfister stood as a cleric in the service of the Diocese of Bamberg. Recent studies suggest that it is because to see more as a publisher as a printer.

1462 appeared from Pfister Offizin the four histories, which were provided with illustrations, and a German Bible of the Poor. 1464 of Belial was printed, illustrated the German edition of Latin poetry from 1382. Additional works can be attributed to the workshop by comparing the printing types used. The consummate in Bamberg on February 14, 1461 the pressure created by the Swiss Ulrich Boner 1330 collection Aesopian fables, Der Edelstein, is considered the first book printed in German language and is illustrated throughout with woodcuts. By products from Albrecht Pfister of Bamberg Offizin applies not only to Mainz as second important starting point for the further development of the printing press and as a center for the production of German prints of the incunabula period.


Around 1460, a 36 -line Biblia sacra vulgata was printed in Pfister's type set, which (as well as his other printed matter ) in a series of letters to the Gutenberg's possible in Bamberg. This led later to Pfister long time for the inventor of the printing press to keep, and culminated in the 19th century in a write- armed the Bamberg Bible, among other things, reflected even in encyclopedic articles such as those of the General German Biography. The Bamberg Biblia sacra, which is preserved only in a few copies, was given the designation " B36 ", according to the famous " B42 ", the Gutenberg Bible; not been determined beyond all doubt their origin.
