Alexander of Jerusalem

Alexander of Jerusalem ( † March 18 250 or 251 in Caesarea Maritima ) was from Bishop of Jerusalem 213

Alexander was one of the supporters of Origen in his dispute with the bishop of Alexandria, Demetrius, as Origen, without being ordained, preached in Caesarea. Alexander justified this Demetrius against the fact that the testimony of lay people in his region was normal practice. Alexander was especially revered that he founded a library in Jerusalem, later Eusebius of Caesarea consulted for the preparation of his church history. The at that time already very old Alexander eventually became a victim of Christian persecution of the Emperor Decius, who had jailed him. Alexander died in chains in the dungeon of Caesarea.

Alexander is venerated as a saint. His feast day is March 18 in the west, in the east of December 22.
