Alexei Kitaev

Alexei Jurjewitsch Kitajew (Russian Алексей Юрьевич Китаев, English transcription Alexei Kitaev Yurevich; born August 26, 1963) is a Russian- American physicist. He led a 1997 topological quantum computer.

Kitajew studied at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ( graduating in 1986 ) and in 1989 received his doctorate at the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics. After that, he was until 1998 at the Landau Institute and from 1999 to 2001 at Microsoft Research. He is a professor at Caltech.

Kitajew dealt with initially in solid-state physics, for example, quasicrystals, and quantum chaos. Later he turned to the quantum computer science to where she investigated complexity classes (to allow, for example, with anyons to fault-tolerant computing ) topological quantum computing and carried out a separate phase estimation algorithm, which provided an alternative to the factorization of Peter Shor. He also collaborated with Michael Freedman.

In 2008 he was MacArthur Fellow. In 2012 he was awarded the Fundamental Physics Prize.


  • With M. Vyalyi, Alexander Shen Classical and Quantum Computation. American Mathematical Society 2002
  • Fault - tolerant quantum computation by anyons. Preprint 1997, Annals of Physics, Volume 303, 2003, pp. 2-30
  • Quantum computations: algorithms and error correction. Russian Mathematical Surveys, Volume 52, 1997, pp. 1191-1249