Alfonso Fróilaz

Alfonso Froilaz, the hunchback, was King of León ( 925 ) and Galicia ( 925-926 ).

Alfonso Froilaz was the son of King Fruela II of Asturias and León and his wife Jimena Nunilo. After the death of his father he was apparently proclaimed by his followers as a king; the tradition on this matter is uncertain. Thus, shortly after the accession to the throne broke a struggle for the throne with the sons of Fruelas brother and predecessor as king of León Ordoño II, Sancho, Alfonso, and Ramiro, from. The background was that the father of Fruela and Ordóñez (Alfons III. ) Had lost its empire inherited separately, and Fruela was initially only King of Asturias and after the death Ordoños II 914 its successor had begun in León. Ordoños sons now looked at as the legitimate heir to the throne, as Fruela have ursupiert the throne of León. They managed to repel by force of arms and included support of the influential King of Navarre Sancho I Garcés the claims of Alfonso Froilaz. King of Leon was now Alfonso, the second son Ordoños II, who was married to a daughter of Sancho I Garcés and as Alfonso IV reigned.

After his defeat Alfonso Froilaz fled to Asturias and will also continue named as King of Galicia. Galicia was, however, claimed by Sancho Ordóñez, the firstborn Ordoños II, who with his brothers claimed the title of King of Galicia in the course of an agreement. Sancho I was married to the Galician nobles Goto Núñez and therefore had large parts of the Galician nobility on his side. Alfonso Froilaz was supplanted by the latter claim to the throne.

He eventually fled to Asturias, where he maintained his throne claims, especially after Alfonso IV abdicated in 931 had León and retired to a monastery, while his brother Ramiro II took the throne. In the battles of the year 931 Alfonso Froilaz was captured with his brothers in Asturias, Ramiro II, who dazzle and let set in monasteries. Alfonso Froilaz died a few years later, in the monastery of Ruiforco. His exact year of death is not known.

Some sources say that the future King Ordoño IV of León was his son. However, there is no certain evidence that Alfonso Froilaz ever had offspring; Ordoño IV is generally regarded as the son of Alfonso IV.

In the official census of the kings of León Alfonso is Froilaz that would have been Alfonso IV, not taken into account because by continued his cousin of the same name in the struggle for the throne.

See also: House of Cantabria
