Alfred Cogniaux

( Célestin ) Alfred Cogniaux (* April 7, 1841, † April 15, 1916 ) was a Belgian botanist. His main research area were orchids, cucurbits and Black mouth growths.

Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Cogn. ".

1916 came his extensive herbarium in the possession of the Belgian National Botanical Garden (National Plantentuin van België - Jardin botanique national de Belgique).


Henri Ernest Baillon named in his honor the Cucurbitaceae genus Cogniauxia and Rudolf Schlechter named the orchid genus Neocogniauxia after him. Gurania Also cogniauxiana from the gourd family is named after him.


  • De Saldanha da Gama, J., Cogniaux, A. Bouquet de Mélastomacées brésiliennes dédiées a Sa majesté Dom Pedro II empereur du Brésil. A. Remacle, 1887 Verviers. Botanicus
  • Cogniaux, A., Melastomaceae. G. Masson, Paris 1891
  • Cogniaux, Alfredus, Orchidaceae. Vol III, part IV, V and VI of Flora Brasiliensis. Lipsiae ( = Leipzig), Frid. Fleischer, 1893-1906
  • Linden, L., Cogniaux, A. & Grignan, G., Les orchidées exotiques et leur culture en Europe. ( 1019 pages ) Bruxelles; Paris. chez l' auteur. Octave Doin, 1894.
  • Cogniaux, A., Goossens, A.: Dictionnaire Iconographique of Orchidees; 2 vol. ( 826 pl, 315 p. . ), 1896 - 1907th Perthes en Gâtinais (France), Institut des Jardins. 1990, ISBN 2-908041-01-4
  • Cogniaux, A., Harms, H. Cucurbitaceae Cucurbiteae - Cucumerinae ( 2 vols. ) W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1924.


  • Short Biography
  • De Wildeman, Émile: " Alfred Cogniaux (1841-1916) ," Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l' Etat à Bruxelles 5: I- XXX, 1919
  • Jacquet, Pierre: "Un orchidologue belge de mémoire digne: Alfred Cogniaux (1841-1916) ". L' Orchidophile. , 157: p, 2003.?
  • Author entry and list the name of the plant described for Alfred Cogniaux the IPNI
  • Renner, Susanne S., " C. A. Cogniaux (1841-1916) ". Blumea 35: p. 1-3, 1990