
The Hamdala (Arabic حمدلة, DMG Hamdala ) is the formula Arab al - hamdu li - llah ( الحمد لله / al - hamdu li - llah /, praise be to God, thank God '), in the second verse the first Surat al- Fatiha of the Quran occurs and plays an important role in the daily lives of Muslims. It is similar to the Hebrew formula Halelu Yah.

Muslims and Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians weave the phrase so common in everyday parlance, one that the phrase Hamdala / حمدل /, al - hamdu -li - ' llah - say ' evolved. The dreikonsonantige root HMD ( ح م د ), which means "praise", is also found in the name of Muhammad, Mahmud Hamid and Ahmad.


In Arabic, one uses Alhamdulillah, for example in the following situations:

After sneezing: Alhamdu lillahi. " My praise and my devotion to the Lord ," " Thank God, " or. ( See also articles concerning sneezing spell formulas in other cultures )

After getting up: Alhamdulillah hillathii - ah - yana ba'da ma ama tana wa ilayhi nuschuur. " Great thanks be to God who has given us life, after he has sent us death ( sleep), and that our final return ( on the Day of Qiyaamah - the end of the world). Will lead us to him "

In response to " How are you? ": Alhamdu lillahi. "Thank God ( I 'm fine )! "
