Alien Hunter

  • James Spader: Julian Rome
  • Janine Eser: Dr. Kate Brecher
  • John Lynch: Dr. Michael Straub
  • Nikolai Binev: Dr. Alexi Gierach
  • Leslie Stefanson: Nyla Olson
  • Stuart Charno: Abell
  • Carl Lewis: Grisham

Alien Hunter - mystery in Antarctica is a sci -fi movie with James Spader from the year 2003.


NASA maintains in Antarctica, a laboratory whose employees find an object in the ice. When they want to examine the object in a block of ice in the station, it starts to thaw despite cooling. The alien capsule begins to send signals similar to those that were found in Roswell in 1947. The cryptologist Julien Rome, who once worked for SETI is tasked with deciphering the signals.

The capsule is opened, the laboratory staff of infection fall victim. In the capsule there was an alien pilot.

A submarine is commissioned to destroy the laboratory to prevent the spread of disease.


Jack Sommersby wrote on EFILMCRITIC.COM, James Spader would be in the film "wonderful" play.

" Handsomely photographed science fiction production in television format that seeks the Roswell myth as a springboard to tell an alien story, reminiscent of the B -Pictures of the 1950s. Borrowings from Christian Nyby classic, The Thing from Another World ' (1951 ) are obvious. "

" The TV movie copied Alien ' [ ... ], The Thing from Another World ' and ' Contact ', but not clumsy. Conclusion: Everything just stolen, but very exciting. "
