Aliyah (Torah)

As laTorah Aliyah (Hebrew עליה לתורה, short aliyah ) reading a Toraabschnitts in the synagogue is referred to in Judaism. Aliyah (Hebrew עליה, multidentate. Aliyoth ) means ascension, call.

In the Torah itself is determined that it should be publicly read aloud. The rabbis extended this religious duty to weekly readings on Shabbat and later on market days Monday and Thursday.

In Yiddish, one also speaks of Ufruf (call) in relation to a special Torah reading for a groom on the Shabbat before his wedding.

Historical development, expiration

Originally were men, women and children receive a call to the Torah. In the Tannaitic time ( 1st / 2nd century) but this was abolished and determined that only men are allowed to be called after the bar mitzvah. Many non-Orthodox communities have lifted this restriction in the context of women's equality in all religious areas and call women to the Torah. The Mishnah, following a Kohen, Levi and then finally an Israel is called in the Orthodox and some Conservative congregations first. Levi is not a present, it shall in its place already invoked Kohen be called again ( " Kohen bimqom Levi "). However, if no Kohen there, so either a Levi or a Israel can be called in his place, but actually the one with the largest Torakenntnis. If a called on Israel instead of a Kohen, we may follow in second no more Levi. In Reform congregations who reject the special position of the Kohanim, the results from the temple cult and in some cases question the continuous inheritance line of Kohanim since the destruction of the temple, there are no longer these rules. Those who have received a Alija be, ( " six ", " five " ) is called by the head either by name or with their ranking. Each ( r) / is called to the Torah, occurs wrapped for reading desk in a tallit, touched the Torah with the tzitzit and speaks the Brachot before the reading. This is followed by the Torah, the minimum is three verses, with no paragraph should begin with an ominous for Israel contents or complete.

Originally the callee read his section itself, from about the 13th century took on this task, a so-called Ba'al Ba'al Qore or Qeri'a ( master of reading), a professional Torah reader, the section according to the traditional melody, the so-called Tropp, recites.

Pictures of Aliyah (Torah)
