Allegheny Technologies

Allegheny Technologies (ATI ) is a company from the United States with headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company is listed on the stock index S & P 500.

The company employs in the year 2008, approximately 8,500 employees.


ATI was formed by the merger of Allegheny Ludlum Corporation and Teledyne, Incorporated on 15 August 1996. Meanwhile, ATI has outsourced various areas of the company as independent companies, such as the company Teledyne Technologies, Incorporation and WaterPik Technologies. This is ATI was able to focus on his core business operations, the metal production.

Also sold ATI 2005 Division World Minerals to the French company Imerys.

2006 acquired the company ATI Garryson Limited by the Company Elliott Industries Limited.

ATI manufactures various metal products for the U.S. and international markets. These include:

  • Stainless steel, nickel -based alloys
  • Materials based on titanium or zirconium -based alloys consist alloys
  • Products on tungsten -based materials


ATI has its headquarters in Pittsburgh on Six PPG Place and works in western Pennsylvania. In addition, there are works in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Alabama, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Shanghai, China as well as some plants in Europe.
