Allied Joint Force Command Naples

AC Izmir ( Izmir) MC Naples ( Naples) FC Madrid ( Madrid)

The Allied Joint Force Command Naples ( JFC Naples, formerly Allied Forces South Europe) is one of the three main operational command of Allied Command Operations (ACO ) of the NATO headquarters in Naples, Italy. It has been and will continuously from the earlier structures of the Allied Forces Southern Europe ( AFSOUTH ) transformed. JFC Naples was activated on 15 March 2004, after its predecessor AFSOUTH was deactivated after almost 53 years.


JFC Naples are subject to the following headquarters:

The responsibilities (area of responsibility ) is one of the Mediterranean with its neighboring countries: Spain, including Canary Islands, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Hungary.


The command has an admiral in the U.S. Navy, which is at the same time commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe.

