Alphabet book

A Primer is a mostly imaged beginners reading book, especially for children learning to read. Commonly is also the name ABC book.

The precursor of the fibulae used today and read books in the Middle Ages was called Abecedarium, according to the first letter of the Latin alphabet a, b ​​, c, d It was actually an alphabetical textbook.

Even today, learning to read similar books or posters used, but the words are not according to the first letter, but after initial vowel differentiated ( initial sound ) and also contain entries for diphthongs and other combinations of letters.

The fibula has established itself as Erstlesebuch in schools internationally. Brooches have been around since the second half of the 20th century in virtually all countries of the world.

In common parlance, the term fibula today. Well become synonymous with a more or less comprehensive non-fiction, Guides book, reference book, manual, textbook, textbook or a lexicon

The fibula in the GDR

The children in the GDR have learned to read in school on the basis of the fibula. The book's title was " Our Guide". The booklet was published by Volk und Wissen and cost 3 German Mark. The number of pages was about 112 pages.
