
The reason Holde farmers were called in the Middle Ages who worked outside the Fronhofes on their own farms, but had to give taxes to the landlords.

They were like the serfs in a relationship that was not completely unfree, but limited by their position as vassals of a feudal lord by their rural service obligation and interest in their freedom (see also bondage ). However, in contrast to the hearing they could buy property and dispose of it. Usually, however, the work on the Fronhof went before and so it was often the family members who had to own land order. Unlike the farming community but the room had no hold citizenship and was much more affected by forced labor.

The word " Holde " meant subject, particularly a person who has certain obligations because of their land over another, such as Loyalty, obedience, service charges and taxes. With Holden, from the 15th century with basic Holden farmers were referred to their land - had received against the bars of taxes in money or in kind form - often as a hereditary fief. These farmers were from landowners dependent and were partially sold along with her possession of him.
