Alsatian language

Under Alsatian (also: Alsatian German ) refers to the spread in Alsace Alemannic and Franconian dialects of the Upper German.

" Alsatian " is not linguistically coherent in itself dialect group, but a geographically and politically and culturally specific collective term for the local dialects spread across the entire region of Alsace. Under the name of dialects of Alsace, with territorial reference, include not only the Germanic ( German ), and traditional Roman dialects ( Langues d' oïl ) in some areas of the Vosges ( What ) and between the French-German language border and regional border in the south ( Franc- Comtois / Territoire de Belfort ).

  • 6.1 Strasbourg city dialect
  • 6.2 Schlettstädter Alsatian

Dialect groups

The spread in Alsace Germanic dialects are mostly associated with the Alemannic dialects of the dialect research. The scoring for Upper German Alemannic ( = Upper West German ) is predominantly produced by the low- Alemannic ( here: Oberrheinalemannisch ), represented the dialects used in the south on the border with Switzerland, however, be attributed to the high- Alemannic.

Some dialects in the north and northwest are assigned to the Rhine Franconian dialects. The Rhine Franconian is already counted the Central German and in this the West Central German. At the border of the Palatinate are the Palatine related dialects, spoken Lorraine Franconian dialects in the so-called Crooked Alsace.


Alsatian has the status of a regional language in France. However, France, the European Charter on the Protection and Promotion signed, but not yet ratified.

With Orthal there since 2003 ( at that time still under the name Graphal ) attempt to unify the Alsatian spellings and standardize so as to allow a single letter, comparable to the 1976 introduced a written language for the Luxembourg dialects. The Alsatian language should thus not be standardized; Orthal can describe all the different regional variants.

Boundaries and internal organization

One of the isoglosses that in Alsace and neighboring regions to distinguish between Upper German ( here: Alemannic ) and central German: be used ( here Rhine Franconian ) dialect, is the Germersheim line anlautendes Pf - P- separating (example: standard German pounds, Alemannic pounds, Rhine Franconian Pund ). This isogloss is not shown in the map on the right; a similar course, the brother - isogloss ( see below). Most, however, do not extend to the dialect structuring used isoglosses identical, so one can not speak of an Alemannic - Franconian dialect boundary, but only by a transition imaging language border zone.

In the map shown isoglosses from north to south:

  • Brother: northern brother, Bruuder to southern Bruader, Brüeder, brothers. This is sometimes referred to delineate Fränkisch used to Alemannisch.
  • Been: northern gwää, gwä, gwan to southern GSII, gsi, GSIN.
  • Soap: northern Seif to southern soap, Seifa, Seifi, Seipfe.
  • "His" imperative of: Northern was bisch to southern up.
  • Child: northern to southern Chind child. This isogloss is generally used to distinguish between the low - and Upper Rhine Alemannic and High Alemannic.

The red in the map, running in a north / south direction line represents the French- German border in force 1871-1918 dar. This is not in line with the French-German language border.

Many isoglosses the Alsatian or all dialects in the Upper Rhine Graben run in the West / East direction, producing a north / south graduation. These differences in pronunciation and grammar have probably mostly developed during the Middle Ages. Here, the speech features may have prevailed from north to south, west of the Rhine stronger than the right of the Rhine. One suspects that were often replaced as Alemannic designated language characteristics of known as Franconian speech features (eg modern German diphthongization and monophthongization: wis / white and guot / well ). A thesis on the origin of these scales indicates that the influences of the Frankish dialects have advanced quickly through the increased transport in Alsace than on the right side of the Rhine. The Straßburgische is often regarded as Alemannic - Franconian enclave in the surrounding Alemannic dialect area, the trade of this city went far to the north.


In a survey conducted by the Office of Language and Culture in Alsace - Office pour la Langue et la Culture d' Alsace ( OLCA - Elsassisches Sprochàmt ) of 2012, the inhabitants of the Alsace region expressed as follows:

  • Explain 43%, to speak good Alsatian ( dialect speakers )
  • Explain 33%, to speak a little Alsatian or to understand a little (Basic)
  • Explain 25 %, not to speak Alsatian (without knowledge)

Dialect features

The vocabulary of the Alsatian dialects, among other things documented in the Alsatian dialects dictionary.


High German and Alemannic he and ir to r:

  • German mother - Alemannic mothers - Alsatian Müedr
  • German we - Alemannic me - Alsatian mr

According shift b to w:

  • But German, Alemannic abber, - Alsatian àwwer

An otherwise atypical sound shift from g to w:

  • German stomach, cars - Alemannic Mage, Wage - Alsatian Mawe, Wawe / Waje

Specific to the Alsatian is the influence of the French since the 17th century. Use of French word stems:

  • German Bicycle - Alsatian Velo
  • German sidewalk - Alsatian Trottwar

" Alemannisierung ": words of French origin are used with German grammar endings:

  • German Select - Alsatian schwasiere ( s) ( from French choisir )

Dialect examples

Strasbourg city dialect

The Strasbourg dialect is a city dialect, similar to the Vienna or Berlin dialect stands out clearly from the dialects of the surrounding area. The Straßburgerische is characterized by the high proportion of Rhine Franconian dialect features.

Excerpt from the poem " Isszitt " ( " Ice Age" ) of Emilienne Kauffmann:

" S'isch cold drüsse, isskalt! Un if role of de Kerichühre d' Beating ERAB, verkleppere se in de Stross and proceed like for d' Isszäpfe how leese of Büchieslidach and fall into the frozen Dräckgräwel.

S'isch still, drüsse, isstill!

Isszäpfe hang erunter from Büchhieseldach, thick as bell rope.! Un manchmol, very ploetzlig, Weisch nit what, bekummt a s'Iwergwicht un falls sänkrächt in de snow as N'R sinks and even Numm a hole in losst de Schneekruscht. Un it runs d' r e cold Schücker de hump nunter ... before dursichtige, pointed, gschliffene dagger. Un dee Schneekruscht splitert uff as de Glasürzucker when me de Neujohrskueche anschnied.

E verklärti world draijt si in're pale Wintersunn how d' Kölje in Kerzeliecht from Tannibauim! De Frog hücht Sinni Kunscht to d' Fenschter in Star Splitter, Schneebluescht, Heckreesle un Heckebletter.

D' air isch issig, snappy! Gfrore, stiff and rigid, in reefs and Frog isch s'Hoeftel, certain, silwrig and liss in Iss and Glarriss de garde. Matt makes D' s hump untrem know Schimmelpeltz vum Frog as e satti milchigi Schoof wool ... "

Schlettstädter Alsatian

A speech, which was kept at a " mother tongue society" in Schlettstadt, compared with the dialect at the Kaiser chair (about 20 km east of Schlettstadt in Baden ) and standard German.

For twenty Johr ham'r us s'Zil un iDEAL gsetzt: alsatian Sproch d' un Kültür Zù ferdaidiga UN ferdera. Mer han already Ales Meiliga gmacht: Bettschrefda, Mànifestationa s Strossborìg, Kolm'r, Melhüsa, Unterschrefta gsàmmelt, gspelt Theàd'r, Vortraj Àn Stàmmdesch organisi ( ea) rt, Fiarùnga s Derf'r UN Staadt, Dechd'rowa, even Radiosandùnga Tele- Sandunga, 10 Johr Làng jedi weekend Elsass'r a stub em College vu Engersa, even Strossasang'r s Kolm'r met the Schnetzelbànk etc.

ALA dana Persona, d'r fergàngena wia because jetziga Komiteemetgled'r, Sowia alli " Heimetsproch " - Metgliad'r, bsonders calibration liawi Frend, where emmer so zàhlrich to unseri Generàlfersàmmlùnga comma: a large mersi fergalt UN 's d'r God! Merci fielmol, merci, that honor alli Kumma sen, from St. Louis to Hojianoï!

Already 20 Johr han always a goal un an ideal: to defend the un Ferderung vu unsera elsasserditsch Sproch un culture.

Mer han it all Megliga to: Bettschrefta, Manifestationa s Strossburg, Colmar, Melhüsa, Unterschrefta gsàmmelt, gspelt theater, Vortraj un Originates Esch organisi ( ea) rt, Fierunga s village un city, Dechterowa, Radiosandunga even tele - Sandunga, 10 Johr Làng each Wuch a Elsasser stub em College vu Ingersheim, even Strossasänger en Colmar met the Schnetzelbànk etc.

Alla dana Persona because vergàngena wia because jetziga Komiteemetglieder, and alla " Heimetsproch " - Metglieder, particularly calibration liawi Frend, where emmer so zàhlrich to unseri General Assembly comma: a Grossa thanks un requited 's God! Merci vielmol, merci, that honor alli Kumma sen, from St. Louis to Haguenau!

Scatterbrained 20 Johr hämmr an objective un an ideal: d ' defense and d' Ferderig vu unsera elsässerditsch Sproch un Küldür.

Mr depend scatterbrained alls meglige gmacht: Bittschrifde, Manifeschdatione in Schdroosburg, Colmar, Milhüse, Underschrifde gsammlet, THeader gschbield, Vorträg and Schdammdisch organized Fierige in village un Schdad, Dierchderowene, Radiosändige even in Färnseh simmer scho gsi. 10 Johr long jedi Wuch ne Alsatian Schdube in college vu Ingersheim, jo even Schdroosesänger in Colmar with nere Schnitzel Bank un so aries.

Allene dane passengers, dr dr freijere wia current committee members, such as allene " Heimetsproch " members bsunders calibration liebi Freind, wu alliwiil so zahlriich Kumme to unsri Generalversammlig: ne big thanks and vergäld 's Godd! Thanks Scheen viemol, thanks mosques, dass'r Kumme alli sin, vu St. Louis to Haguenau!

20 years already, we have a goal and an ideal: the defense and the promotion of our Alsatian German language and culture.

We have done everything possible: petitions, manifestations in Strasbourg, Colmar, Mulhouse, signatures collected, played theater, lectures and round tables organized tours of the village and town, poet evenings, radio shows, even TV shows. For 10 years every week " Alsatian room" in the College of Ingersheim, and even street singer in Colmar with a scavenger bank and so on.

All the people, the former as the current committee members, as well as all the " Heimetsproch " members, especially you, dear friends, that you always so many come to our Annual General Meeting: a big thank you and reward you God! Thank you very much, thank you that you have all come from St. Louis to Haguenau!
