Alto Garças

Alto Garças in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso

Alto Garças is a comune ( município ) in the southeast of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, with around 9500 inhabitants in an area of 3672 km. The distance to the state capital Cuiabá is around 350 km. 1933 Alto Garças was separated only a district of the municipality of Santa Rita do Araguaia and on 10th December, 1953 as an independent community. Alto Garças belongs to the micro-region Alto Araguaia.

The settlement of the area began in the early 20th century by adventurers in search of precious stones and other natural resources. These days, the economy of gemstone mines - mainly diamonds - and agriculture - here predominantly soybeans, cotton and grass for animal fodder - determined.

The climate is humid tropical with June, July and August as dry months. Rainfall can reach its peak in December and the annual total amount on average 1950 mm. The average annual temperature is 22 ° C. The measured so far extreme temperatures were 38 ° C and 0 ° C.

Offers tourists Alto Garças particularly rivers and waterfalls. Larger farmsteads act sometimes as restaurants. The calendar is determined by the carnival, which is held here as Garçafolia, and the Marian feast in honor of Nossa Senhora de Aparecida on October 12.

International celebrity has earned born in Alto Garças singer Vanessa da Mata (* 1976).
