Alyattes of Lydia

Alyattes II (reigned 605-561 BC) was a king of Lydia from the Mermnadae Dynasty. He is the father and predecessor of the famous Croesus.


Under him the Lyderreich expanded to Halys, where the Phrygians came under Lydian supremacy. East of the Halys began Mederreich, lay with the Alyattes from 590 in the war. This limiting curve at the Halys was confirmed at the Battle of Halys on May 28, 585 BC. In this battle took place no fighting because of a sudden onset of eclipse. With a peace agreement, brokered Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, and the king of Cilicia, the limit was committed.

Also, some of the Greek cities on the coast were brought by him under Lydian tribute sovereignty. This development fostered the exchange of Greek and Middle Eastern culture. In addition Alyattes hit the horsemen of the Cimmerians devastating, ending its 100 -year ideas.


At the beginning of the reign of Alyattes dive on the first coins of world history, so he is considered the inventor of coinage. Some numismatists present this development, however, to a time before the beginning of his reign.


Tomb of the Alyattes is the largest facility in the royal necropolis of Sardis. The grave mound has a diameter of 355 m and a height of 35 m. At the top of the hill towered grave after describing Herodotus five phallic symbols up, similar to Etruscan tumuli.
