Alzahra University

The Alzahra University (Persian دانشگاه الزهرا ) was founded in 1964 as a private " college girls " in Tehran Vanak district. She stood from April 19, 1975 under the auspices of Schahbanu Farah Pahlavi and was until 1980 the official name of Farah Pahlavi - University ( Daneschgah -e Farah Pahlavi ). It is the only university in Iran, the only receives women.

After the Islamic Revolution, the private college to a state college was. She was named " Mahbubeh - Motahedin University " according to a member of the guerrilla organization Volksmodschahedin. In August 1983, she was renamed Alzahra University after the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed Zahra.

The university today offers 67 courses including at 6 doctoral programs. Zahra Rahnavard, wife of Mir- Hossein Mousavi, was from 1998 to 2006 Rector of Alzahra University. Since 2007, the College of Mahbubeh Mobascheri is headed.

Famous graduates

  • Faezeh Hashemi, politician
  • Norin Motamed, Painter
  • Ava Serdschoie, artist
  • Farchondeh Torabi, internationally known director of animated films
  • Czech Ista Yasrebi, writer