Amegilla quadrifasciata

Anthophora quadrifasciata

Anthophora quadrifasciata is a bee in the family Apidae.


The bees have a body length of 12 to 14 mm (females ) or 12 to 15 mm (males). The females are red-brown dorsal hairs on the thorax, the tergites are black hairy. The face has a whitish drawing. The first to fourth tergite wearing white bandages on the back edge. The rail brush ( Scopa ) is white, at the leading edge but black. The heel member ( metatarsus ) on the hind legs is black hairy. The third antennal segment is about as long as the following three links together. The claws members lack the pulvillus. The males resemble the females. On the seventh tergite they have at the end of two teeth, the heel member of the hind legs is black hairy.

Occurrence and life

The species is widespread in southern and central Europe, as well as in the Aosta Valley. She flies from late June to early September. The females lay their nests on the ground. Pollen collected from different plant families. Cuckoo bee species is Thyreus histrionicus.


Felix Amiet, M. Herrmann, A. Müller, R. Neumeyer: Fauna Helvetica 20: Apidae 5 Centre Suisse de la Faune de Cartografía, 2007, ISBN 978-2-88414-032-4.
