Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Amelia Atwater - Rhodes ( born April 16, 1984 in Silver Spring, Maryland) is an American writer. She writes fantasy fiction and youth books.

Atwater - Rhodes wrote The Night of the Demons, which was published in several languages ​​, at the age of only fifteen years. Today she lives in Concord, Massachusetts. They are called already the "teen queen of horror fiction".

  • In the woods the dead of night, translated by Alexandra Witjes, Ullsteinhaus paperback publisher, 2000, ISBN 3548248330
  • Night of the Demons, translated by Alexandra Witjes, Ullsteinhaus paperback publisher, 2002, ISBN 3548254136
  • The Vampire Slayer, translated by Tanja Ohlsen, Bertelsmann Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3570302105