
Amphibolia is a plant genus of the family of Mesembryanthemum plants ( Aizoaceae ). The botanical name of the genus comes from the Greek word for amphibolia, doubt ' from.


The species of the genus Amphibolia grow as a low shrub of up to 40 centimeters in height and up to 70 centimeters in diameter. Sometimes the shrubs are taller and not quite as wide. The internodes are white to yellowish or greyish, their leaves club-shaped to triangular. Your epidermis is smooth, the stomata are barely sunk. The rather thin outer Epidermiswand contains a thin layer of crystal sand.

One to three flowers are available per Zyme, which are located at short, brakteentragenden flower stems. The filamentous staminodes are often dark purple at its tip and surround the stamens in a sharp, broken cone. The scars are short. The nectary forms a lophomorphen ring.

The fünffächrigen, rarely sechfächrigen, fruits are funnel-shaped at their base and remain on the plant. Your rectangular flaps wings are very wide. They contain almost bald and roundish seeds.

Systematics and distribution

The distribution of the genus Amphibolia extends from Lüderitz in southern Namibia across the districts along the west coast of South Africa to Cape Town. The species grow in sand, gravel and rock annually in areas with winter rainfall amounts of less than 100 up to 300 millimeters. In addition, wearing the fog from the sea to the precipitation.

The first description of the genus by Hans Herre was released in 1971. The genus Amphibolia include the following types:

  • Amphibolia laevis ( Aiton ) H.E.K.Hartmann
  • Amphibolia obscura H.E.K.Hartmann
  • Amphibolia Rupis - arcuate ( Dinter ) H.E.K.Hartmann
  • Amphibolia saginata ( L.Bolus ) H.E.K.Hartmann
  • Amphibolia succulenta ( L.Bolus ) H.E.K.Hartmann

