Đàn tranh

The Vietnamese Wölbbrettzither Djan Tranh ( Hán Nom:檀 筝) is a smaller mixed form of the otherwise encountered in Asia zithers. Both the Chinese guzheng and the Japanese koto are larger. Accordingly high is the sound of the instrument. Basically, two types of zithers in Asia can be distinguished: zithers fixed mood and zithers with movable divisors under the strings. At DJAN Tranh the divisors are same as in the Koto and Guzheng pyramidal. The sixteen strings of Trahn are halbtonlos pentatonic tuned, such as:

Do - Re - Fa - Sol - La - Thu (I - II - IV - V - VI - VIII)

The strings are struck with the help of Finger with the right hand while the left hand vibrate by pressing on the string, the pitch or on and can let slide. Although Djan Tranh smaller and brighter / sharper than, for example, the Guzheng sounds, the number of possibilities for sound variance is not less. One is often amazed at how many different attack techniques can produce a skilled player.

Djan Tranh is one of the few instruments of Vietnam, which is also played solo. However, the recorded solo works for Djan Tranh is not very old, which probably may be due to the fact that the Djan Tranh is even fall into oblivion. Only few young people still committed to "old" music, and so more and more knowledge is lost. At least now breaking the " taboo " on that this instrument only women are allowed to play - and playful boys and men pulls Dan Tranh slowly in more households in Vietnam.
